On the Internet data is broken up into small chunks called packets.
A code used to gain access to a system.
An external hardware component (printer, disk, etc.) that is externally connected to a computer and serves it.
Software that allows a user to check if a connection exists between his/her computer and another computer.
An application written in order to broaden the Web browser's features. After you download the plug-in to your computer and place it in the plug-in folder, your Web browser will be able to offer you additional features. For example, after you install the Emblaze plug-in, you'll be able to play Emblaze movies, found on the Web.
(See Emblaze, application).
POP-Post Office Protocol
Protocol for storing and retrieving E-Mail messages.(See protocol, E-Mail.)
POP account
A user's E-Mail account on the Internet.
(See ISP, mailbox.)
The person who operates the host and is in charge of the E-Mail function. (See host,
PPP-Point to Point Protocol
Protocol which enables communication on the Internet using a modem and a telephone line. (See modem, protocol.)
A language for communication between computers. Protocol consists of a series of rules and commands meant to allow for satisfactory communication between computers. The protocol that allows for communication on the Internet is TCP/IP.